Economic feasibility study
Through it, the economic forces in the region can be known and the economic situation in the coming years can be predicted, such as (demographics, poverty, average consumption, spending, average income, market exchange rate, changes in markets, laws and regulations).
Project study
Through it, it is possible to provide (a summary of the project, target groups, project location, project objectives, project justifications, project features, project components, how to obtain profit, source of funding.
It is used to determine the scope of the project so as not to leave it and enter into other projects
Market study
Through it, we study the demand for the product in the markets, estimate the size of the demand for the product, study competitors from all aspects, study similar goods, market changes for the product or service, determine the target group, analyze and forecast the markets.
Legal study
Through it, it is possible to know the legal procedures resulting from the project, and the most appropriate type of registration for the project. The legal study includes the conditions for registration and licensing in the chosen area, the steps to establish the project legally, and the specifications necessary to establish the project in that area.
Technical study
Through it, it is possible to know the technical needs of the project, including the machines used, the assets and property of the project, with a detailed explanation of the production capacity, the project’s work mechanism, demand estimation, and internal planning. Asset costs and specifications. It includes determining the project needs, estimating the demand for the product and linking it to the production or service line based on production capacity, a complete explanation of the project with the steps from the beginning to the end of the project, determining the project costs, determining asset depreciation, and setting direct and indirect expenses.
Marketing study
Using the elements of the marketing mix, electronic marketing and its mechanisms, using Google analysis of search words and some sites that help in analyzing marketing data, traditional marketing, marketing cost and its relationship to sales volume.
Study of human resources
Job description for each person and necessary experience. Employee salaries. Working hours. Identifying the direct and indirect employee. Employee details in terms of experience, specializations, social security, deductions, health insurance, work visa, and others. Career structures.
Study of finance and investment evaluation
Expected demand (expected revenues, operational expenses, raw materials or service costs, employee expenses, general and administrative expenses, including marketing, energy expenses (electricity, water, fuel), rental expenses, transportation, shipping, spare parts, assets, which are represented by project costs (machinery and equipment, furniture, building contracting, site construction, cost). The expenses of establishing some businesses are paid once only, and thus there are (receivables – short-term loans) or what is known as current assets. Determining financing. A bank loan is required. Type of interest (fixed – decreasing – increasing) Paper transactions on interest and its expenses and bearing it Mutual insurance and other Project-specific insurances Interest value Murabaha rate Regular interest payment period – compound and other banking instruments and credits if necessary Personal financing Government financing Organization financing Inaugural budget – 5-10 year expected budget Income statement 12 months – Income statement 5-10 years Cash flow statement 12 months – Statement of flows 5 – 10 years Analysis and graphics of financial ratios data Activity ratios Debt ratio Interest turnover Trading ratios Profitability ratios There are many ratios, each according to the project. In some existing or specialized projects, in inventory, current assets (inventory – accounts receivable) and fixed assets are added. (short term loan)
Investment evaluation
• Project payback period • Rate of return on investment from one to 10 years depending on the project • NPV Time value of money • PI Profitability index • IRR Internal rate of return MIRR Modified internal rate of return and sometimes XIRR • Project sensitivity analysis of increase or decrease • EBITDA – and private analysis The establishment multiplier. Sometimes used for special projects • Various graphs in financial analysis • Financial scenarios
Risk analysis and quarter analysis
Risk matrix, market – marketing – financing – project – operating – financial risks, risk strategy matrix, quarterly analysis
Any special study the project needs
Good manufacturing practice systems, engineering studies
Results and recommendations
Is it economically feasible or not economically feasible and the reasons and consequences related to each item